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The state's proposal to add a surcharge to management fee income and carried interest has the industry there scrambling to kill the measure.
Wind farm Western Australia
The Australian Energy Market Commission rejected calls from investors to move to average loss factors in a ruling that 'undermines the energy transition underway'.
The Energy Security Board cautioned that the ability of investors to efficiently manage risk to support investment decisions was at a ‘critical’ level, its highest rating of concern.
Competition watchdog finds airports made record profits in 2018-2019 and was critical of the current monitoring framework for a lack of effective oversight.
Fork in the road
The debate over marginal loss factors may see some short-term resolution next week – but the wider conversation about reform to Australia’s National Electricity Market still has some way to run.
Anglian Water, Bristol Water and Northumbrian Water have joined Yorkshire Water in asking the CMA to review Ofwat’s December review.

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